ARE WE ...really... FOOD SECURE?

We are living through a very different time.

A time where only a handful of people globally can recollect an event similar. In Australia, the bushfires earlier in the year and now the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the public’s concept of normal life across many subjects. Especially in activities that we all normally take for granted like going to a shop or a supermarket to restock. For many people this is the first time they have experienced empty shelves. The first time we’ve really been forced to fear a lack of food security.



Are you really getting what you paid for?

It's an increasing trend in food of all kinds at the moment. The whole thing about traceability of food, where it comes from. Are you really getting what you paid for or is it what it claims to be?

There are have been many high-profile scandals locally and worldwide where food has been sold as one thing, but is actually something else.
The 2013 European horsemeat sold as beef scandal is a prime example of this. Food technologist, which are people employed by food producers to meet quality assurance standards (especially when supplying into major retailers), have had to carry out assessments on how producers guard against this event, which is called food fraud.

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