At QABI, we are proud of the contributions we have made, and are continuing to make in the global sustainability realm.
The following are a few of the showcase projects that we have been involved with.
For QABI Consulting, it's all about outcome.
About creating value in every activity that we engage in and being passionate about our purpose.
We are very passionate about how future generations will sustainably feed themselves.
We were fortunate to have the opportunity with the Perth NRM to contribute to the Situational Report for the "Food Security Plan For Western Australia".
In doing so, we brought the hemispheres of previous experience in horticulture and business analysis to create value for a worthy activity and to address a problem that is only now starting to be acknowledged
The report outlines the 10 factors that will impact on our capacity to deliver a food secure future for 5 million people living in Western Australia by 2050.
The Sustainability Indicator Platform (SIP) project (later the Locale app) was a pull-thru support mechanism for food producers to gain more market share from consumers by demonstrate their sustainability credentials.
Consumers were able to access and interact with food producers via a secure interface that would display traceability information to assist in making more informed purchasing decisions.
QABI undertook two elicitation exercises to prove the project validity.
The first was a farmer survey of 200 farmers under activity 1 above. The aim of this survey was to investigate the level of awareness food producers have of growing market demand for demonstrable sustainability credentials and to the level of awareness of consumer trends in general.
QABI recognised the importance of the consumer in driving sustainability initiatives in food supply chains and the survey was designed to assess the level of knowledge the average consumer has of food production in Western Australia. The survey also provides insight into what drives purchasing decisions by consumers.
Between the two surveys, the QABI delivered a complete view to align and connect consumers and food
producers on a more involved and beneficial basis.
QABI also devised the 200 criteria matrix to assess food producer sustainability credentials which is based on the quadruple bottom line.
The criteria assessment covers the areas of:
1. Quality management
2. Environment management
3. Social accountability